The firm of independent Patent Attorneys «Rakutova & Partners» is one of the leading patent firms in the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of protection of intellectual property. The principal of the firm Dina Rakutova is a registered Patent Attorney of the Republic of Belarus and of the Eurasian Patent Office. Mrs. Rakutova started her professional activity in protection of intellectual property in 1969. High educated specialists in many technical branches such as chemistry, physics, pharmaceutics, medicine, mechanics, radioelectronics and so on who working with «Rakutova & Partners» have long experience in professional activity related to protection of intellectual property: inventions, trade marks, designs, utility models, licensing, protection of domains, know-how and so on. «Rakutova & Partners» has stable business relations with the National Centre of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Belarus, the Eurasian Patent Office, the Patent Office in Russia, Patent Offices in countries of the former USSR as well as with numerous leading companies of Patent Attorneys in Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia and so on. «Rakutova & Partners» is proud to represent in Belarus a numerous number of world-known companies.